Friday, November 10, 2006


Only I didn't get to go to a ball,I didn't meet prince charming, I had no glass slippers and no fairy god mother. Damn it.

I rushed home so I could post before midnight. If that doesn't solidify my classification as a loser then I don't know what does. That's ok though because Im a loser with hot clothes, lots of shopping today. Yay for living with my parents! My Mom often decides to take me on little shopping sprees.

Sure I feel like a loser a lot of the time. Like when I'm speeding home so I can get on blogger before midnight, or being at home for the 5th Friday night in a row, or being ignored by Dentist at the moment. So yeah maybe Im a loser, but a loser with two new pairs of Citizens jeans and a lamb skin black leather jacket.

Yeah, I have kick ass outfits to stay at home in on Friday nights. BEAT THAT.


Anonymous said...

I still don't understand why you can't go out and not drink. I went out tonight, didn't drink. *confused*

Emma said...

I can and have gone out and not had anything to drink. However, no going out invitations have been coming my way. So there.