Sunday, October 22, 2006

Stupid girl

Yup, that's me. Im letting not having him get to me again.

I plan on running at 5 a.m. tomorrow, but I don't know if I'll be up for it. I won't be able to sleep tonight, if I do it will be with a soaked pillow.

The sad thing is he wasn't mean.

He was sweet and he said, "Sweet dreams."

Those two words make me miss him, the sweetest dreams I've ever had have been in his arms.


Anonymous said...

yea and we all know Midland was an asshole!

Emma said...

He was an asshole at times, yes. You have to remember I freaking ripped the guys heart out, ripped it to shreds and then stomped all over the little remains.

But when I've really needed him and I have no else, he's the first one there and after all that's what matters the most.